Hormone therapy

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy offers wide-ranging benefits when hormones are properly balanced again. Here are some of the top advantages:

For Women

For Men

Restoring hormones to optimal levels can literally help both women and men feel younger, healthier, and more energetic again.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is to get lab testing done to check current hormone levels. This allows our practitioners to accurately diagnose any deficiencies or imbalances.

Some common symptoms that may indicate the need for hormone therapy include:



Keep in mind that some hormone changes occur naturally with aging. Our experienced hrt providers will determine if symptoms are due to normal fluctuations or indicative of a true hormonal imbalance that requires treatment.

Restore hormone balance and improve your wellbeing!

Customizing Your Hormone Therapy

Hormone Harmony Clinic utilizes an integrative approach, taking into account your unique health history, symptoms, and goals.

For women's hormone replacement therapy, we may recommend:

For male hrt, we often prescribe:

The specific medications, dosages, and delivery methods (oral, topical, injections) will be tailored to your individual needs for the safest, most effective outcome. We'll also provide nutritional guidance and recommend lifestyle changes as part of your treatment plan.

Follow-up testing allows us to monitor your hormone levels and make adjustments as needed. Most patients start feeling better within weeks as their hormones return to healthy ranges!

Why Choose Hormone Harmony Clinic for Hormone Therapy?

When it comes to such an important aspect of your health, it pays to choose an experienced hormone therapy provider you can trust. Here's how Hormone Harmony Clinic stands out:

Simply put, our passion is helping patients look better, feel better, and live life to the fullest through expert hormone care. We've treated thousands of patients and achieved dramatic improvements in their wellbeing and vitality.

Interesting fact

Many people don't realize that hormone therapy has uses beyond transitioning. It can help manage symptoms of menopause, regulate menstrual cycles, and treat some hormone-related conditions like low testosterone in men or thyroid disorders. When prescribed and monitored properly, hormone therapy can greatly improve quality of life.

Don't Delay Treatment

It's important not to ignore the signs of hormone imbalance. Without treatment, symptoms may worsen over time, leading to reduced quality of life.

There are also long term health risks associated with hormone deficiencies, like osteoporosis, heart disease, and neurodegenerative decline. That's why timely hormone replacement therapy is so beneficial.

The good news is, it's never too late to regain balance! At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we have helped many patients in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond finally find relief through customized hormone therapies.

If you're dealing with unwelcome symptoms, don't wait to get evaluated. Call us today to schedule your consultation. Our caring medical team is ready to help you look and feel your best through expert hormone therapy.Here is a 5-topic FAQ on hormone therapy with informative tone:

Take control of your wellbeing, schedule your appointment!

FAQ on Hormone Therapy

What is hormone therapy?

Hormone therapy involves taking hormones to supplement low hormone levels or block hormones that are too high. It can help treat medical conditions like hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, infertility, and transgender hormone therapy. The hormones can be taken as pills, patches, gels, injections or implants. A doctor determines the right hormones and dosages based on your hormone levels, goals, risks and preferences.

What are the types of hormone therapy?

There are a few main types of hormone therapy:- *Estrogen therapy* provides estrogen hormones used in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms or transgender feminizing therapy.- *Testosterone therapy* provides testosterone for testosterone replacement therapy in men or transgender masculinizing therapy.- *Birth control hormones* like estrogen and progestin prevent ovulation and pregnancy.- *Thyroid hormones* like levothyroxine treat hypothyroidism.- *Growth hormone* treats growth hormone deficiency in children.

How long does it take to see the effects?

It depends on factors like the hormones used, dosage, administration method, and your body. Oral hormones may start working in a few weeks. Injected or implanted hormones work faster. The maximum effects happen over months and years. Fat redistribution and breast growth take 2-3 years for trans women on estrogen. Voice deepening in trans men on testosterone happens in 3-12 months. Patience is key.

What are the side effects of hormone therapy?

Common side effects depend on the hormones used but may include headache, nausea, fluid retention, mood changes, appetite changes, weight gain or loss, acne, and changes in libido. Serious risks like blood clots, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are very rare but increase with age and other risk factors. Your doctor will monitor your health to ensure your hormone levels are optimized and safe.

How much does hormone therapy cost?

Costs vary based on the type and dosage of hormones, insurance coverage, and provider. Oral estrogen or testosterone may cost $30-60 per month without insurance. Patches or injections cost $100-300 per month. Lab work and provider visits cost extra. With insurance, hormone therapy costs $5-50 per month typically. Discount programs and community health centers provide affordable hormone therapy too. Discuss costs upfront with your provider.

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