Loss of muscle

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscles in the body weaken and start to break down. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including lack of physical activity, malnutrition, aging, and certain diseases or health conditions.

Muscle loss can lead to decreased strength, reduced mobility, and loss of physical function. It is a common problem, especially as we get older. After age 30, adults can lose up to 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade. This rate increases significantly after age 60.

Some key points about muscle loss:

- It occurs when muscle proteins break down faster than they can be synthesized. The body is constantly building up and breaking down muscle tissue. Muscle loss happens when catabolism (breakdown) exceeds anabolism (building).

- Disuse atrophy is the most common cause. When muscles aren't used regularly, they shrink and become weaker. Bed rest, sedentary lifestyle, and wearing a cast can lead to disuse atrophy.

- Diseases like cancer, AIDS, congestive heart failure, and kidney disease increase levels of inflammation and cortisol, accelerating muscle loss.

- As we age, motor units in muscles decrease, muscle fibers shrink, and protein synthesis becomes less efficient. All contributing to age-related muscle loss.

- Poor nutrition, especially inadequate protein or vitamin D, can accelerate muscle loss. Maintaining sufficient calories and protein is essential.

- Strength training helps build muscle. Resistance exercises activate mTORC1 signaling and muscle protein synthesis. This reverses muscle loss.

So in summary, muscle loss is caused by inactivity, aging, disease, and poor nutrition. Staying physically active with strength training and getting adequate nutrition, especially protein, can help maintain muscle mass and function. If concerned about significant muscle loss, check with your doctor, and consider specialized nutrition or exercise programs.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we help patients optimize nutrition, activity, and hormone levels to counteract muscle loss and maintain strength. Our science-based therapies can help you feel stronger, more energetic, and empowered as you age. Reach out today to learn more! We'd love to discuss your health goals and develop a customized plan. Don't accept muscle loss as inevitable; take charge of your vitality with help from our caring professionals. You've got this!

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