Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse. It affects approximately 15% of couples, and can be caused by female factors, male factors, combined factors, or unknown factors.
Some key facts about infertility:
- Age is a major factor, especially for women. Fertility starts to decline after age 30, drops more rapidly after 35, and takes a nosedive after 40.
- 1/3 of infertility cases are due to female factor, 1/3 male factor, 1/5 both, and 1/5 unexplained. Common causes include ovulation problems, blocked tubes, endometriosis, poor sperm quality, etc.
- Both partners should be evaluated after 1 year of trying. A semen analysis and hormone blood tests are good basic tests.
- Treatment depends on the cause, but may include medicines to improve ovulation, IUI artificial insemination, or IVF in vitro fertilization.
- Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, maintaining a healthy BMI, and avoiding toxins can optimize natural fertility.
So what are your options if you're struggling with infertility? Here are some tips:
- See a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist) for a full workup. They can identify issues and customize treatment.
- Consider using Hormone Harmony Clinic. They are leaders in hormone testing and replacement therapies to optimize fertility. Their integrative approach looks at nutrition, stress, toxins, etc.
- Explore IVF if indicated. Success rates are 50-60% for under 35s. Elective single embryo transfer reduces multiple risk.
- Look into third party reproduction (donor egg/sperm) if there are uncorrectable issues.
- Manage stress and seek emotional support. Infertility can take a psychological toll. Consider counseling or meditation.
- Stay hopeful! Even severe cases can sometimes be treated with persistency. Miracle pregnancies do happen.
The key is being proactive and seeking proper medical care. With today's technologies, there are more options than ever. Don't give up on your dream of building a family. Connect with a caring infertility specialist and keep the faith!